
"When I was 17 years old, I first received the Gospel through our neighbor, who had lived in Australia for many years and had returned to Iran after all this time. The first time I read the book, I returned it to him because I thought it was ridiculous and laughable to change one’s religion. I felt content with the God I had, as I was born a Muslim, but I wasn’t truly practicing Islam.

After I rejected the idea of believing in Jesus at that time, God worked on my heart all those years.

Then, after 16 years, when I was a schoolteacher, the parent of one of my students "caught" me. For 8 months during the school year, they befriended me. On the last day of school, they took my number and later shared the Gospel with me. After a year and four months of friendship with this parent, my knees bowed before Jesus, and I believed in Him.

At the beginning of my faith, everything seemed funny to me, but it didn’t take long—maybe 4 or 5 weeks after I believed—that everything suddenly changed for me, and I fell in love with Him.

Amen, that I may be among the faithful and one of His chosen ones."

"My life story began when I was accepted into a university in a city far from home, and I had to move there. During that time, I was in a relationship with someone, and everything seemed fine between us, or at least that’s what I thought and hoped for. When I moved to that city, the first few days were a bit tough, but over time, I adjusted. However, my relationship wasn’t progressing as I had hoped, and I had to separate from that person. My emotional pain began to set in, and to fill the void of love, I would cling to anyone I met, trying to fill the emptiness, but every time, I ended up at a dead end. All of this piled up to the point where I felt I couldn’t go on, and my emotional state was shattered.

For several days, I felt terrible, crying at night, weeping, and expressing my sorrow to God, saying, “You’ve abandoned me, I’m not okay, I’m lost,” and many other things that stemmed from the losses in my life and my relationships. This continued for a while until a dear friend, who had immigrated to Turkey, messaged me and began talking about Jesus Christ—how His presence had changed their life and healed their spirit. They told me they would send me a book to read and to pray.

When they were speaking to me, it felt like exactly what I had been searching for, and I knew it could definitely help me. I remember that without even wanting to research or think too much about it, I accepted it and believed in Him. When I gave my heart to Jesus Christ, my heart began to heal. There were still wounds, but it felt like a new life had emerged within me, and I began to feel good. Everything started to fall into place, and every day, my condition improved.

I was so happy about this change that whenever I saw anyone who didn’t seem to be in a good place, I would share the Gospel with them, telling them about how Jesus had given me peace and how good I felt. Now, seven years have passed since that moment, and every year, I take pride in knowing that Jesus Christ is my Savior and has entered my life."